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Ace Week

October 25th, 2023 Disabled Ace Media and Resources List

In honor of the 3rd annual Disabled Ace Day, members of A-specs Committed to Anti-Racism have compiled a list of Disabled Ace media and resources. 

Disabled Ace Day, which takes place on Wednesday during Ace Week, is dedicated to awareness, visibility, and celebration of the intersections of Asexuality and Disability and advocates for material and social support of Disabled Aces everywhere. 

Below you will find fiction and nonfiction resources, all of which speak to a Disabled Ace experience. The list may not be exhaustive, but we tried our best to compile as many links as possible with a diversity of perspectives and media types. 

As with all minority groups, not every Disabled Ace is going to have the same experience, nor will they all agree with every resource represented here. Therefore, we recommend familiarizing yourself with a variety of facts, stories, and opinions and use #DisabledAceDay to share and amplify these valuable voices. 

Image Description: The dynamic accessibility symbol holding an Asexual Pride flag with black, gray, white, and purple stripes. Inside the wheel of the wheel chair says "Disabled Ace Day" with the word “Ace” sitting in a large purple spade in the center. Text to the left of the wheel says “Wednesday during Ace Week”

Disabled Ace Day logo designed by Emmalee Larghi Dahlgren

Academic Papers & Community Reports

Articles & Blogs


Disabled Ace Day Interviews by Courtney Lane

Fiction Books

Nonfiction Books







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