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Ace Week

November 1st, 2020 Announcing Ace Week 2021: Beyond Awareness

Thank you to everyone who joined us in reflecting on the history of our community over the past week. We’ve come a long way since Asexual Awareness Week was founded in 2010!

In these reflections, one thing became clear: it’s time we look beyond awareness. It’s not enough that people simply know that asexuality exists. Ace people face invalidating health care systems, legal protections that are ambiguous at best, histories that risk being forgotten, and more.

This is one reason why we no longer call this event “Asexual Awareness Week.” By embracing the name “Ace Week,” we’re making a commitment to do more than simply raise awareness, and we hope you’ll join us.

Without further ado, we’re thrilled to announce that the next Ace Week will take place on October 24th-30th, 2021, with the theme Beyond Awareness!

There’s no time like the present to start planning for Ace Week 2021! We encourage you to check out Asexuality Archive’s collection of ace activism opportunities to get an idea of how you might like to get involved.


Building a national advocacy movement to strengthen communities and change lives.

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